Ett av skälen till skiftet var att omsättningen från streaming i princip fördubblades. Totalt stod digital försäljning för 86,5 miljoner pund första kvartalet 2012, upp med 2,7% från samma kvartal förra året.
I en kommentar till CMU säger BPI-basen Geoff Taylor: "This is a significant milestone in the evolution of the music business. UK record labels have embraced digital to their core, supporting innovation and licensing more new online and mobile services than any other country. As a result, the industry’s prospects for growth look brighter than for several years".
Han fortsätter:
"We will need to see this trend repeated for several quarters to say we have turned the corner – demand for physical CDs remains strong in the UK, especially in Q4. However, the creativity, investment and digital expertise of the British music industry point the way forward for growth in the UK economy".
Lars Nylin